Evidence Of A Young Earth

Evidence Of A Young Earth
Evidence Of
A Young Earth
Rapid Formation
Surtsey Island, Iceland, "million-year"
features were formed in 10 years.
Millions of nautiloid fossils prove rapid Grand Canyon limestone formation
Rapid manganese nodule formation
"around beer cans"
Universe and Galaxies
Spiral galaxies are missing millions of years worth of collisions
Nine billion years of missing metal
in a trillion stars
The pinwheel arms of spiral galaxies should deform after a million years
Dinosaur Soft Tissue
Dinosaur soft tissue discovered from an allegedly "80 million" year old Hadrosaur
Soft tissue found in
TWO Triceratops
Allegedly "65-million" year old
Tyrannosaurus rex soft tissue
Polystrate Fossils
This tree in Joggins, Nova Scotia did
not stand for a million years
80-foot baleen whale fossil proves
rapid diatom deposition
School of jellyfish fossilized in 7 "million-year" layers
Genomes and Earth History
Sponges share 70% of human genes, contradicting genetic predictions
Marine worm infects trunk of
Darwin's tree; to be felled soon
Kangaroo DNA unexpectedly contains huge chunks of the human genome
Physics and Geochronology
Earth's magnetic field
is decaying rapidly
Carbon 14: everywhere
it's not supposed to be
Rocks form rapidly yet can
"date" as old
Dinosaur-Layer Biological Tissue
Biological material from an allegedly
"150-million" year old Archaeopteryx
Indisputable Mosasaur soft tissue survives, allegedly for 70 million years
Scientists extract DNA from allegedly 130-million year old weevil
Stars and Planets
A faint young sun would have kept the
Earth in a deep freeze
Millions of years of missing Stage 3
Supernova Remnants
Saturn's C Ring approaching the planet at 100 km/year
National Park Corrections
Yellowstone removes petrified tree sign
that falsely indicated an old-age process
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