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Millions of years worth of missing Grand Canyon deposition and erosion

A Hundred Million Years Worth of Deposition and of Erosion Missing: Not one scientist in history would ever conclude by studying the Grand Canyon itself and its strata, that TENS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS OF THE ALLEGED GEOLOGIC COLUMN ARE MISSING between layers with "flat boundaries" that look just like boundaries for the layers that they admit are continuous. Further, those flat gaps often show either little erosion, or, they sometimes show positive evidence of no erosion, even over hundreds of square miles:


Because erosion is relentless, geologists would expect to find great erosion between the layers of strata exposed in the canyon (including layers that extend over thousands of square miles).

But as millions of tourists have been able to see for themselves, not the exception but the rule is a general lack of erosion with extended flat boundaries between layers. Intensifying this problem for evolutionary geologists is their claim, as in this Geology of the Grand Canyon report available from the U.S. National Park Service, that 120 million years of the geologic record are missing from between conforming layers in the canyon. That is, they claim that about 120 million years of strata deposition and evidence of erosion are completely absent from the middle of the Paleozoic, including the entire Ordovician and Silurian periods, which are missing from the rock record. (See the photo atop this page. And by the way, those same layers are missing throughout most of Montana.)


No one with eyes can miss seeing the flat boundaries, called flat gaps, between strata which in many places lack any evidence of erosion between the strata (even with, for example, rain drop impressions atop one layer not eroded but preserved by the layer above it). This general lack of erosion indicates that the layers exposed in the Grand Canyon, including therefore dinosaur-bearing strata globally, were deposited rapidly. And just as the system of large stratified canyons at Mount St. Helens formed rapidly in 1980, and the river flowing from Spirit Lake didn't carve those canyons but the canyons formed the river, so to with the Grand Canyon. By that modern analog, and by much hard evidence like millions of nautiloids fossilized standing on their heads, the deposition and carving were both rapid.

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